If you are a HIPAA cover entity then you must have NPI commonly known as National Provider Identifier. According to HIPAA, it is now mandatory to have NPI as it replaces all legacy identifiers such as Unique Physician Identification Numbers (UPIN), Medicaid Provider Numbers, and Medicare Provider Numbers.
Why do I need an NPI number?
Well if you attempt to file a claim without an NPI number, it will almost certain that your claim will be refused. And it doesn’t only apply to Medicare claims; for private payers, it’s also the law. So, you better get one of these 10-digit identifiers if you want to get paid for your services. With the help of NPI, it is easy to streamline the electronic claims submission process.
Can I change the information associated with my NPI?
Yes, it is easy to change your information associated with NPI. If you need to update your address or other information then you must notify NPPES with 30 days. There are three ways by which you can change information associated with my NPI:-
• Access the online portal;
• Print, complete, and mail this form; or
• Call the NPI Enumerator at 1-800-465-3203 to request a form.
Would I ever need to get a new NPI?
No, if you already have an NPI then you do not need a new NPI. It is like a diamond that will last forever. It will remain the same even if you change your name, address, taxonomy, or other information that was furnished as part of the original NPI application process. There are a few easy steps that will help you update your information. Although, there is a very limited chance of getting a new NPI, and that too if the original one has been used fraudulently.
So we will conclude by saying that you do not need a new NPI even if you change your name, address, taxonomy, or other information that you provided earlier as part of the original NPI application process.
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