NPI Nurse

What is an NPI?

National Provider Identifier or NPI is a 10 digit unique that would be going to help you in identifying you with your healthcare partner. National Provider Identifier is a modernized way of collecting your information simply by electronic transmission. NPI is a unique identification number given to the payers, employees, healthcare partners so that they can easily examine your health data.

When someone does a HIPAA standard transaction then the National Provider Identifier must be used in place of other provider identifiers, such as a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN), Online Survey Certification & Reporting (OSCAR), and National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC).

NPI healthcare

What are the benefits of NPI?

There many benefits of NPI and some of these areas follow:-

1.        It simplifies the electronic transmission of HIPAA standard transactions.

2.        Having an NPI will allow you to continue to conduct HIPAA standard electronic transactions after May 23, 2007.

3.        Efficient coordination of benefit transactions.

Do you want to know how you get this? So, there is nothing hard in it. By just doing a few steps will let you take full access to the NPI.

How Do You Get The NPI?

An NPI is provided via the National Plan and Provider Enumeration Framework by the government (NPPES).

1.        You have to visit or call

2.        Once you go to the website you will find a form to fill. You can fill the form and it won’t take more than 20 or 30 minutes to do so. Once you are done with it, just recheck the form and then follow the instructions to submit either online or you can even send a mail to them.  Remember that they do not accept any fax.

3.        After you submit it by email it will only take around 1 to 5 days to receive your NPI once your application is accepted. Applications that are sent through mails may take around 22 days to process.

Remember:- You are responsible for making an update to the NPPES within 30 days of the change if any data relevant to your NPI changes (name, address, etc.).



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